Sunday, 12 September 2010

Is he Flashy ?

Flashy Men. Interesting but boring species- really.

Attractive women sadly have to bear the brunt of this, but all women in some form or shape do. The WORST type of flashy men are those who cannot back themselves up when they aspire to flaunt wealth. And then there are those who CAN afford all that and a bag of chips but feel the need to be boastful about it. A decent woman worth her salt will never ever be interested in this type of man. Ever. If you're a man reading this who loves to tell the world about how many Dom Periginon bottles your wallet is capable of affording and what car(s) you drive and you expect to have a woman of soul-forget it mate. No really-please do.

Myself and my girls (yes, we have regular talks!) have regularly got back to each other about some eager guy desperately flashing cash, his car (I'm fed up of hearing what amazing machine he drives!) and his connections. If i wasn't brought up well (thankyou Mummy and Daddy Arain), i'd be crass and say "Look geezer, not interested in what you eat,sleep or shit. Good on you if you've earned it but no need to plaster it in everyones face". I beileve in being modest NOT humble. Being humble is downplaying your own achievements but being modest is about not letting it get to your head. Most men STAY SINGLE because as much as us women LOVE a successful man but not one who is flashy !

I have often seen guys upload pictures of hard cash onto Facebook. Typical of me not to be bothered by whom my notes offend, time and time again- i have emphasised that my notes are wholehearted truth and nothing else. I just want to ask you who really cares how much you have earned and how much your smart arse is stashing away whether illegally or in a bank ?

The girls who go chasing for a rich man versus a wealthy man are saying it all. They are ALLOWING THEMSELVES to be bought by a man. And rightly so-he most definately will ! Because he knows she has made herself cheap in worth. Girls who go after rich men are toooooo lazy to work for themselves. Work meaning ambition.

All fabulous women however want a wealthy man. Wealth isn't just about money. It is about affluence and character. He should have worked hard for himself, built a good life for himself and have richness of the heart and soul.

So if all the man can talk is about himself, his achievements, his car, his house, his money. Everything HIS-then HE is saying something about HIMSELF....Allow the man some time with a mirror-he needs to flash the cash to himself ;)


  1. Trust, guys hate these individuals too, especially guys who put in the work, sleepless nights and blood/sweat/tears for theirs. The thing is a lot of us regard guys like this as suckers but it doesn't matter what we think because they are 100% sold on flashy = easy women. It's a hopeless fight, once a man gets to the point of flashy it's a point of no return and to be honest he doesn't care about the quality of women he pulls, its all about appearance and how it makes him feel.

    Its pretty hardcore because they've bought their confidence along with all the toys and gold diggers (a match made in heaven). None of my friends are like this and as soon as one transforms they see less of me lol. What's the term... rich but not smooth, I'd rather shoot for both.

  2. Very well said ! The point of no return is increasingly consuming men of today and gold diggers by the barrel !
